5 Recipes for the Fourth of July

Rose Stone Fruit Sangria

July is here, reminding us all how hot it can actually get in this world. But it comes with a silver lining. In a few days we’ll all be given free license to hang out outside and drink cold drinks and eat grilled food. ‘Murricans, this one’s for you.

Grilled Corn

And even if you’re not American, these recipes are delicious in their own right. Who doesn’t love fruity alcoholic beverages, summer snacks, and homemade ice cream?

No one.

So rejoice, friends! And let’s forget about our worries and our strife for a day.

5 Fourth of July Recipes

1. Rose Sangria

This is one of my favorite drinks, and it’s not only because it’s easy on the eyes. It’s the kind of drink that’s dangerously delicious – you’ll just keep sipping on it and end up drunk at your family BBQ. Consider yourself warned.

Rose sangriaFruity Rose Sangria

2. Watermelon Blueberry Gin Slushie

If sangria ain’t yo thang, this will be. It’s like a watermelon popsicle had a party and blueberries and alcohol were invited. Leave the gin out and the kids will love this one too.

watermelon slushie

3. Grilled Corn & Bacon Flatbread

Summer is for grilling, and pizza is for everyone. I’m not much for hamburgers or steaks, but if you grill me up a pizza, you will have my heart. And no one ever tells you how fun it is to grill bread, but it really, really is. Even if you don’t want to make the pizza, I recommend trying the grilled bread on it’s own, perhaps served with a bit of olive oil. Delizioso.

grilled breadgrilled corn flatbread

4. Ginger Scallion Chicken Wings

This is one of Wei’s most popular recipes – juicy, flavorful, and the definition of finger food.

ginger scallion chicken wings

5. Homemade Chocolate Ice Cream {Vegan}

Don’t let the word “vegan” turn you away here – it’s actually crazy good even by non-vegan standards. This coming from a huge dairy ice cream fan, who thinks vegan ice creams all taste like oddly textured water. Well, except for this one. It’s chocolatey, never icy, and is absolutely essential on hot summer nights. And it’s picky-eater and sensitive-stomach friendly – serve some to the kids while you’re cooling off with some sangria and enjoy the peace that comes with silent satisfaction.

vegan chocolate ice creamchocolate fudge ice cream vegan

I hope y’all enjoy your Fourth, and let yourself have some fun. It’s time to get schwifty.