Is it me or are new healthy snacks popping up everywhere? It used to just be kale chips but now I see crispy snap peas and chia snacks lined in stores. Healthy snacks seem to be the new healthy.
When watching my beauty YouTubers, I’ve also noticed this trend, but one snack has stuck out and I keep seeing recommendations pop up. This new sensation is roasted chickpeas, which seems to have temporarily replaced the beloved hummus. I was fascinated by it and wanted to try it myself. It is certainly healthy and seems effortless to make.
But then lazy Wei saw an opportunity. I saw packaged-crispy-chickpea-snacks at Whole Foods in a barbecue flavor and I immediately popped them into my basket. I figured I might as well taste them before I invest making them myself in a hot kitchen in the summer. Here is my mini review of those packaged chickpea snacks: they taste fine and can be addictive, but they were overloaded with salt and still tasted a little artificial to me.
Ironically, my lukewarm reception of those bagged chickpeas promptly pushed my butt into the kitchen to roast these myself. I don’t want to brag but mine are better – nothing beats homemade when it comes to simple recipes.
Now I will admit that I went through a couple batches that weren’t great. Let me rephrase that – they tasted great but the texture wasn’t as crispy as I liked them to be. I’ve found a sweet spot, I think.
Make sure the chickpeas are dry before seasoning and roasting to prevent steaming. Toss them regularly so they roast evenly but this will also allow you to take a peek to see how they are doing in the oven. Give one a taste test to check for seasoning and texture – the times will vary slightly since everyone’s oven is a little different.
Lastly, these are best enjoyed right out of the oven – they are the crunchiest then. They lose some of their crunch once they cool but they still taste amazing from all the beautiful spices used.
These chickpeas are also crazy versatile – they can be enjoyed alone, or as a garnish on top of rice or salads.
So are chickpeas possibly the new kale in the snack kingdom?
Roasted Chickpeas
by W.
Makes about 2 cups
1 can 15.5 oz. garbanzo beans
1 tablespoon olive oil
Salt and pepper
Cayenne powder
1/4 teaspoon paprika
1/4 teaspoon cumin
Preheat oven to 425F. Line a sheet pan with aluminum foil.
Rinse the chickpeas under cold water and spread them flat on the sheet pan to let them dry. You can place a paper towel underneath to quicken the process. Once they are dry, remove the paper towel if you used one, and dress with olive oil and sprinkle all the seasonings on top. Use your hand or spatula to mix the beans evenly.
Once the chickpeas are seasoned, make sure they are spread evenly on the pan in one layer so they roast better. Place the pan in the center of the oven and roast for 35-40 minutes. Check every ten minutes and give them a gentle toss. When they are done, the chickpeas will have reduced significantly in size. Test one for crispness – leave it in the oven a little longer if necessary.
When they are done, taste for final seasoning and enjoy right away. If you are storing them for later, make sure they have cooled completely to prevent any condensation.
Happy snacking!