Lavender Syrup

Final Tea

When it’s too late to have a latte in the afternoon I opt for an iced tea. Tea is my comfort drink– my mom always has a hot green tea in her hand. If someone pointed a hot teakettle at me and asked me to choose my favorites, it would be jasmine and Earl Grey.

As a general rule, I never sweeten my green teas but always take something with my black teas. Again, blame this rule on my mother. This time I’m adding lavender syrup and it is quite good.


This recipe is incredibly simple and quick to make. Best of all, it can be used in literally everything. Use it in teas or cocktails but don’t limit this delicious syrup to just beverages – you can use it to soak fruit or layer on top of yogurts.




Lavender syrup
by W.

Makes about 1 ½ cup

3 tablespoons of edible lavender
1 ½ cup water
1 ½ cup sugar

In a saucepan, pour in all the ingredients and turn onto high heat and stir occasionally. Once it comes to a boil turn down to a gentle simmer for about 5 minutes. At this point, the texture should be homogenous. Let cool and strain and refrigerate – otherwise the lavender becomes bitter.

It should last up to a week in the fridge.


2 responses to “Lavender Syrup”

  1. […] It’s also great in lavender iced […]

  2. […] The Herb Lyceum Kitchen of Groton, MA is a good stand to visit if you are looking for herbs and other spices. The lavender syrup that we made used the lavender from this place. They also sell sandwiches and wraps if you get hungry from looking at all the food. Check out the lavender syrup here. […]