Category: Desserts

  • Boston Public Market


    Welcome to Boston’s new foodie paradise, Boston Public Market.

    The permanent, year-round Market opened in July of 2015 with almost 40 different local vendors, making it the go-to place to satisfy any and all of your cravings. With everything from ice cream to pasta to fresh seafood, this is one place where you really can have it all.

    Sandwich Making

    One step into the Market and we were overwhelmed.

    The smell of warm cider doughnuts accosted us as we walked in, followed by the bright colors of familiar farm stands. But what really gave this place its vibrancy was the massive hungry crowd buzzing around the market; the heartbeat of the beast.

    Cresent Ridge

    After collecting ourselves from this sensory overload, we jumped right in. (more…)

  • Blackbird Doughnuts


    We met each other in the South End while working at Flour Bakery + Cafe, so this neighborhood is like a second home to us. Our budding friendship grew as we braved blizzards together while walking to the train in mid-December, or as we threw together impromptu post-work picnics in Blackstone Square park in mid-July. We love the South End, so of course we get excited when new shops and restaurants pop up in the area (just as we’re sad to see the old ones go.)

    Blackbird Leili

    Blackbird Doughnuts opened less than a year ago in Boston’s South End as a little sister to the Gallows (which happens to be one of our favorite places in the city to grab a drink, and indulge in a little poutine!). It all started with the Gallows serving a few select flavors of doughnuts for brunch on the weekends, until Blackbird spread its wings into its own location just a few short blocks away. Now, with extended hours and new additions to the menu, we’re thrilled to add Blackbird to our list of places we love. (more…)

  • Eating Through Europe: Gelato

    fatamorgana gelatoWhen August rolls into September and I notice the leaves begin to drift lazily to the ground, I usually breathe a sigh of relief at no longer having to wipe droplets of sweat off my forehead and peel myself off of public bus seats. And like the next girl, I always get a little excited thinking about all those comfy autumnal layers I can soon show off.

    But this year?

    Summer is hanging around a bit longer. The air is still heavy, and I’m still sticking to things. And it really makes me wish I was back in Italy, letting my tongue chase drops of gelato as they rolled down their cone, while I happily sat under a scorching Tuscan sun. Since I’ve been back in Boston, this is what I’ve missed the most: the obligatory afternoon gelato to keep cool (and sane). Unfortunately, it’s hard to find great ice cream here. And when we do, we don’t eat it every day. Which is a damn shame.

    So, this is an ode to the gelato I fell in love with in the handful of cities I was lucky enough to visit this summer: Paris, Venice, Florence, Siena, Rome, Parma and Bologna, with the best for last. I hope it inspires you to get yourself a cone before summer slips away. Enjoy!
    leili eating gelato (more…)

  • Chocolate Elvis Cupcakes

    elvis birthday cupcakeYou guys! Today we’re celebrating a very special birthday.
    frosting swirl

    And no, I’m not talking about Harry Potter’s.

    chocolate elvis bacon cupcake

    Exactly a year ago today, Wei and I published our very first post on this little blog of ours. I remember it like it was yesterday: making pestos together as the smell of roasted garlic filled the warm kitchen, and trying to figure out the best angle to photograph each other’s hands as we mortared and pestled and crushed garlic. We shared Wei’s camera and she taught me all about how to take pictures like a pro. Then we ate a lot of pasta covered in fresh pesto, and pressed “Publish” for the first time. (more…)

  • Chocolate Ice Cream & Fudge Sauce {Vegan}

    vegan ice cream bowlAll I need in this life of sin is a few heaping scoops of creamy chocolate ice cream. It fits into any occasion; at any time of day – it’s perfect for elevensies, a summer afternoon snack, or some late-night stress eating after last week’s Game of Thrones finale. (I don’t want to talk about it. I just can’t even.)

    vegan fudge spoon

    But as I’ve mentioned before, I can’t eat ice cream without feeling icky afterward. Lactose intolerance is just a cruel joke. The good news, which took me way too long to discover, is that there’s a solution to this dilemma. And if you give it a chance, you’ll see what all the fuss is about. (more…)

  • Chocolate Toffee Cookies

    Cookie Tin

    Occasionally, a rainy afternoon will make its way into my very warm summer. On those days, I want nothing more than to stay in and inevitably develop a sweet tooth born out of boredom and laziness. I don’t like to be bitter about it.

    Cookie Hand

    I usually end up at work though, and I have to carry my sweet tooth with me. Most days, I’m not picky as long as it fills my sugar hunger, but sometimes I need a really special cookie to do the job. This, my chocolate toffee cookie, is it – I think this might be my cookie soul mate. It’s one of those cookie recipes that I never mind repeating, because it tastes so damn good. (more…)

  • Flourless Chocolate Chip Cookies

    pecan butter cookiesIt’s about time, guys.

    I’ve been itching to share this recipe with all of you since the birth of this blog last year, but posting a recipe that’s been years in the making is like watching your baby head off to school for the first day of kindergarten. It’s so hard to let go. After years of effort, I can only hope it does well out there. It’s close to my heart, so naturally I want it to succeed. But no matter what happens, I will always love it.

    pecan cookies and milk

    Too melodramatic considering I’m talking about cookies? Let me explain. It all started back in 2012 when I stopped eating gluten, dairy, soy, and all processed food for a couple months…right before I started working at a bakery.

    I never said I was sane. (more…)

  • Flourless Chocolate Cake

    cake slicesMother’s Day is just around the bend, so I’m thinking it’s time to start getting my act together. My mother literally birthed me, and aside from being kind of horrifying to think about, that’s a totally incredible thing. So while I may not be the perfect child, I know that I owe my mama something – not only for the whole birthing thing, but for all the years that I’ve managed to stay alive. So here’s to you, mothers: an honest-to-goodness thank you for everything you’ve done and continue to do. You’re all basically superwomen. The least I could do was make you a cake.
    bird's eye cake


  • Triple Fudge Peanut Butter Brownies

    brownie stack

    You can’t blame me for shoving more chocolate in your face.

    stack and milk2

    I mean, I guess you can. Actually I’ll totally take the blame. I will do that for you, friends, because this is really more of a public service announcement: you all deserve to try these brownies, free of guilt. (By the way, whoever invented the idea of “feeling guilty” about eating should seriously re-evaluate their lives. I call bullshit.) (more…)

  • Hot Fudge Sauce

    fudge spoonMy name is Leili, and I’m lactose-intolerant.

    The problem I have is this: I am in love with ice cream and everything that goes with it. My last meal would be this brownie sundae with Scharffen Berger hot fudge sauce from Picco. A giant bowl of smooth ice cream drenched in rich hot fudge sauce and covered in a pile of whipped cream…now that’s the good life.
