Category: Snacks

  • Top 5 Super Bowl Snacks

    sweet savory pita chips

    I marched with my mother and millions of other wonderful, strong women last weekend in Boston. I have never been in such a large and lively crowd in my life.

    The atmosphere was full of positive energy, and plenty of hope that our voices would be heard – and they were. But there is still way more that needs to be done, because now innocent people are also having their lives turned upside down when they’ve done absolutely nothing wrong.

    I’m doing my best to channel my frustration into something useful, but outside of bugging our representatives, protesting, or donating to civil rights organizations, there’s not much else any of us can do but take deep breaths and keep doing our best to spread the love.

    cheesy sun dried tomato pesto monkey pull-apart bread

    When the world is upside down and backwards, it’s important to keep enjoying the little things.

    The Super Bowl is just around the corner, which means beer and outrageous dips will likely abound. These are the little things worth taking pleasure in when there’s not much else to celebrate.  (more…)

  • Zucchini Leek Fritters


    I am officially in hoodie and thick sweatpants mode and I love it. It’s like being wrapped by a thick reliable pillow 24/7. Good lounge wear is like the understanding boyfriend I never had. My gray hoodie and pajama bottoms are simultaneously my Netflix and cooking uniform. When in doubt, wear neutral colors.


    With my cooking uniform on, it finally feels cool enough that standing next to a pan of hot oil before frying up something crispy actually sounds appealing. Besides, my thick gray uniform keeps the sizzling oil away from my skin. Netflix/food uniform/PJs/cooking armor – check it. (more…)

  • Roasted Chickpeas

    Roasted Chickpeas

    Is it me or are new healthy snacks popping up everywhere? It used to just be kale chips but now I see crispy snap peas and chia snacks lined in stores. Healthy snacks seem to be the new healthy.

    Chickpea Hands

    When watching my beauty YouTubers, I’ve also noticed this trend, but one snack has stuck out and I keep seeing recommendations pop up. This new sensation is roasted chickpeas, which seems to have temporarily replaced the beloved hummus. I was fascinated by it and wanted to try it myself. It is certainly healthy and seems effortless to make. (more…)

  • Avocado Toast – Three Ways

    Avo Sampler

    Avo Sampler 2

    Happy Monday everyone! I know – it’s the least favorite day of the week, but it’s a great excuse for lots of coffee, right? Actually I’m still pretty tired from Game of Thrones last night. Ned Stark, am I right?

    Toast and Prep

    But I should get my mind back to reality and Monday. As much as I dislike the first day of the work week and as much as I love to whine about it, I always like to remind myself that it’s a good time to make productive and possibly healthy plans for the week. Monday is essentially a reset button for weekly goals and a pep talk with my belly. (more…)

  • Honey Soy Shishito Peppers

    Shishito Final

    I’m gonna keep this one short and sweet – partly because it’s way past my bedtime as I am writing this and partly because this recipe is so easy and requires so little effort that you’re going to hop off the couch and make this immediately afterwards.

    Shishito Finger

    After a couple of hot yoga classes and several attempts to get back into running, my mind and body are trying to make healthier decisions. When spring is bringing in ramps and other colorful items, it’s actually not hard at all. For this vegetable recipe, I’ve got shishito peppers to inspire your next round of grocery shopping. (more…)

  • Soft Whole Wheat Sandwich Bread

    whole wheat sandwich bread

    I live for Sundays.

    And I know you do too. Don’t lie. We lazy-folk take pride in our ability to put our feet up any chance we get, and we work hard to do things the easy way.

    browned butter
    There will always be errands to run or parades to parade. But when Sunday rolls around, all I ever really want to do is sleep in well past nine o’clock and spend the day re-watching Game of Thrones. And then all that other stuff becomes instantly unappealing. (more…)

  • Brown Butter Strawberry Pecan Blondies

    gooey brown butter strawberry pecan blondies

    You may have noticed that I’m crazy about pecans.

    Or, if you’re a normal person who doesn’t spend all their time stalking me, you may not have.

    pecan strawberry blondies

    But I do, I love pecans. They’re a pricey nut, so I don’t bake with them often. When I do, I always immediately consider moving to Georgia and becoming a pecan farmer. That’s a thing, right?

    strawberries (more…)

  • Skillet Chocolate-Swirled Espresso Banana Bread

    skillet espresso chocolate banana bread

    Why is being physically graceful an admired trait?

    I find it impossible. I drop things whenever I’m talking to someone important, I knock things over when I’m trying to be quiet, I trip more often than I’d like to admit, and I’m constantly bumping into people. And furniture. And walls.

    skillet marbled banana bread

    I also have a plum-like propensity to bruise, so you’d think I’d learn. I haven’t yet.

    Maybe that makes me sound like a toddler, or a drunk. Or a drunken toddler. But I assure you, I am just a woman in her 20s trying to navigate through the world, incapable of bodily dexterity and perfectly okay with that.

    black bananas (more…)

  • Sinner’s Brownies

    raspberry fudgy brownies

    Oops…I did it again.

    I played with your heart, got lost in the game.



    .…the brownie game. (more…)

  • Homemade Pita Bread & Pita Chips

    pita chips from scratch

    Alright guys. We’re a week away from the Super Bowl.

    buttery cinnamon pita chips

    And I’ll be honest: I’m no football fan. I’ll watch it purely for, um, aesthetic reasons, but most of the time I’d much rather cozy up with a Seinfeld rerun.

    pita bread

    I am, however, a huge snack lover. So if you invite me over for a football game and you promise me beer and some snacks, then I will become a fan of whatever the hell you want. And I will definitely make you some of these bad boys. (more…)