I have an experiment for you.
If you’ve been with us for a while, you may have noticed I’m a bit of a baking nerd. Whether it’s figuring out hydration percentages in bread recipes, calculating the volume of cake batter a recipe will yield so I can bake it in a different pan, or pouring over Serious Eats’ extensive recipe-testing posts, I’m a sucker for any and all things having to do with food science.
Actually, when I think about it, I guess my nerdiness reaches far beyond the world of baking. I’ve read all the Harry Potter books at least a dozen times, and if you were to challenge me to a Lord of the Rings trivia game, you would almost certainly lose. In middle school, I was the only girl in my class who shot up her hand when the teacher asked who wanted to take the lead in dissecting frogs. I was, and still very much am, that kid.