Tag: dairy free

  • Butternut Squash Cavatelli & Balsamic Caramelized Onion Pesto


    Boston got hit with a big ol’ blizzard yesterday, leaving us all a little bit buried. And as I stare out of my bedroom window onto the adjacent roof tops all covered in a hefty helping of heavy snow, I can’t help but think about what it means to feel stuck.


    I’m pretty sure there is no such thing as “stuck”. We make it up so we feel better about not being able to decide what to do with ourselves. When we’re surrounded by a feeling of heavy wetness that prevents us from even leaving the house, it’s easy to feel as if we have no choice but to stay put. We forget how we used to stomp around when we were kids, bundled up to our eyeballs in snow gear, having snowball fights and building igloos with any other kids that happened to be nearby.

    We forget how to unstick ourselves.

    Creamy-Caramelized-Onion-Pesto (more…)

  • Sugar-free Flourless Chocolate Chip Cookies

    Gluten Free Flourless Fudgy Pecan Cookies

    After last night’s election, I’m left speechless.

    I wouldn’t babble on about my feelings even if I could, as I’m sure you have your own strong opinions about last night’s events. But what I will do is offer you a cookie. So pull up a chair, grab a fudgy gluten free cookie, and finally take a break from all the election drama with which we’ve been bombarded every day for the last few months. It’s over. It’s cookie time now – for all of us. (more…)

  • Vegan Chocolate Doughnut Holes

    vegan chocolate doughnut holes

    It’s Olympic season.

    And I don’t know about you, but watching gymnasts kick some serious vault ass has got to be one of the top three forms of entertainment out there.

    vegan chocolate donuts

    I’ve spent all week watching these extraordinary humans move their bodies in ways I know I will never be able to. I am not flexible enough to even touch my toes without bending my knees. And I couldn’t even stay standing on a balance beam, let alone do any fancy moves on it. (more…)

  • Intense European Hot Chocolate

    european hot chocolate mix
    You know how I feel about chocolate.

    Even if you haven’t been around here enough to hear me drone on and on about it for the past year, my relationship with this godly substance is pretty clear. I mean, if you have eyes.

    rich european style hot chocolate (more…)

  • Flourless Chocolate Chip Cookies

    pecan butter cookiesIt’s about time, guys.

    I’ve been itching to share this recipe with all of you since the birth of this blog last year, but posting a recipe that’s been years in the making is like watching your baby head off to school for the first day of kindergarten. It’s so hard to let go. After years of effort, I can only hope it does well out there. It’s close to my heart, so naturally I want it to succeed. But no matter what happens, I will always love it.

    pecan cookies and milk

    Too melodramatic considering I’m talking about cookies? Let me explain. It all started back in 2012 when I stopped eating gluten, dairy, soy, and all processed food for a couple months…right before I started working at a bakery.

    I never said I was sane. (more…)

  • Caramelized Onion Pasta Sauce

    pasta egg
    My absolute favorite thing to do in the kitchen isn’t just to bake or cook, or even eat (gasp!). What I truly love to do is to experiment. Sorry Mom, but I just really love to play with my food.

    Because really, creating new recipes is so much fun. It’s a chance to channel your inner mad scientist. When I’m working on a recipe, I tweak one thing, try it again, take notes, tweak another thing, take more notes, cackle victoriously, tweak tweak tweak, eat eat eat. By the end I’m usually covered in butter and ready for a nap, but hopefully I’ve at least learned something new and created something delicious. Experimenting with baking is easier to me because all the ratios of ingredients can only be changed in certain ways, so I have more control over everything.

    caramelized onions (more…)

  • Green Banana Fruit Smoothie

    smoothie final

    Okay, so I know this smoothie is green, but before you run from the room screaming, just check out all the goodness I’ve put in here for you.

    We’ve got bananas, strawberries, blackberries, blueberries, cherries, pineapple, orange…and maybe just a bit of broccoli and kale.

    Broccoli for fiber (it’s important), and kale because I love you.

    smoothie before (more…)

  • Turkey Kale Hash

    Final Fork 2

    So after my favorite holiday comes my favorite leftovers. For Thanksgiving I make extras of everything just so I can have a ton of food to ‘snack’ on later. I am shameless about this and this is why I stay in a food coma for about a week after Turkey Day has passed.


    However, I do occasionally grow tired of eating the exact same plate of food for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. This dish is a lighter take on brunch while utilizing what you may already have in the fridge from the big feast. I suppose this is a way to ease myself out of guilt when I go back to injecting stuffing and mashed potatoes into my veins.


    Don’t feel limited to only using the ingredients I have listed below. Go scavenge for whatever is left in the refrigerator and then throw it altogether like a wiz. This is merely a suggestion.



    Go wild.

    – W. (more…)

  • Homemade Almond Milk

    Almond Final

    Can we take a moment and all agree that lactose intolerance sucks? I know it can be a blessing in disguise, helping us be healthier and support animal-friendly foods…but sometimes I really just want a pint of Ben and Jerry’s without my stomach pulling an Alien on me. It’s unfair. Especially if you’re like me and your perfect dinner consists of an entire round of cheese. Being the rebel that I am, I still enjoy most lactose-filled foods in moderation, but I could never do it every day. So the one thing I really needed a replacement for was milk in my morning coffee or tea. Because without caffeine I’m a useless lump.


    I tried the Lactaid milks and they were okay, but didn’t always leave me feeling so great despite claiming to be filled with lactase. Soy milk worked for a while, but I got nervous about all the “SOY IS GOING TO GIVE YOU HORMONES AND KILL YOU” talk floating around. Store bought almond milk was my last viable option but its ingredient list made me wary. So I finally decided to take matters into my own hands. Literally.

    Milk Bags
    Squeeze (more…)