Tag: death by chocolate

  • Mocha Cupcakes with Dark Chocolate Filling

    Coffee Buttercream Roses

    Hey friends!

    I’m so happy to be back in my kitchen baking you all some sweet treats. After a long work week, spending a day off with some chocolate and a whisk is the perfect antidote to stress. With this recipe, I think you’ll feel the same.

    Chocolate cupcakes with gooey ganache filling

    These bad boys are especially fun to make. Not only are the cupcakes themselves super easy to whip together, but the filling is deliciously dark and the buttercream tastes like like rich, creamy coffee ice cream. You may find yourself eating it with a spoon before it even gets the chance to sit atop a cupcake. And that’s quite alright. (more…)

  • Dessert in London

    I’m back, baby.

    I took a short (okay, maybe the longish kind of short) break from my Yin and Yolk posting schedule to take a course on front-end web development in my free time to learn how to raise this blog baby of mine into something bigger. But now I’m back and ready to feed your appetites, starting now. Are you ready?

    I know some of you may be tired of reading about the trip to London I took a few months ago, but I have just this one final post to share, and it’s a yummy one. After this, I promise I will share a recipe. It’s been a while, I know.


  • Chocolate Banana Cake

    Like most other things in life, this blog mostly consists of happy little accidents.

    And as much as I am against the consumer-driven holiday that is Valentine’s Day, I’ve made it my mission to create something actually worth celebrating. Even if you’re anti-hallmark-holiday like I am, you cannot deny chocolate. (more…)

  • Best Chocolate Fudge Brownie Cookies

    Hey y’all.

    Welcome back from all the holiday madness. Now we’ve got less than a week before 2017 is upon us. Are you ready?

    I’m certainly not. That’s why this year, I’m going to try something new and totally out of character.

    I’ve decided not to make any goals for the year whatsoever. (more…)

  • Kahlúa Chocolate Pecan Tart


    I can almost taste the turkey!


    With that special day just around the corner, we’re scrambling to solidify our Thanksgiving menus. After recent events in the U.S., it’s more important than ever that this meal be one that brings people together. In that spirit, I’m offering an alternative to your regular ol’ pies in order to appease those with tastes that diverge from the Thanksgiving norms. And I’m doing it for those of you who, like me,  just don’t want to play by the rules. I strayed from tradition last year too, and there’s no going back now. (more…)

  • Sugar-free Flourless Chocolate Chip Cookies

    Gluten Free Flourless Fudgy Pecan Cookies

    After last night’s election, I’m left speechless.

    I wouldn’t babble on about my feelings even if I could, as I’m sure you have your own strong opinions about last night’s events. But what I will do is offer you a cookie. So pull up a chair, grab a fudgy gluten free cookie, and finally take a break from all the election drama with which we’ve been bombarded every day for the last few months. It’s over. It’s cookie time now – for all of us. (more…)

  • Los Angeles to San Francisco | California

    Route 1

    Hey friends!

    Leili here. I just got back from a mini family vacation to California, traveling from Los Angeles to San Francisco and eating everything in between. And now I get to share all that good stuff with all of you wonderful people.

    View of the Bay

    Not to rub it in, but it was pretty great. I had never been to California before, and I can now safely say that I’m a fan. Aside from the gorgeous weather and the “ooh”-and-“aah”-worthy scenic highways, the Golden State has a very calming air to it. Which explains why its culture appears to be one of perpetual leisure, I suppose. (more…)

  • Vegan Chocolate Doughnut Holes

    vegan chocolate doughnut holes

    It’s Olympic season.

    And I don’t know about you, but watching gymnasts kick some serious vault ass has got to be one of the top three forms of entertainment out there.

    vegan chocolate donuts

    I’ve spent all week watching these extraordinary humans move their bodies in ways I know I will never be able to. I am not flexible enough to even touch my toes without bending my knees. And I couldn’t even stay standing on a balance beam, let alone do any fancy moves on it. (more…)

  • Chocolate ‘Chantilly’ Mousse

    rich chocolate mousse
    I have an experiment for you.

    If you’ve been with us for a while, you may have noticed I’m a bit of a baking nerd. Whether it’s figuring out hydration percentages in bread recipes, calculating the volume of cake batter a recipe will yield so I can bake it in a different pan, or pouring over Serious Eats’ extensive recipe-testing posts, I’m a sucker for any and all things having to do with food science.

    decadent chocolate orange mousse

    Actually, when I think about it, I guess my nerdiness reaches far beyond the world of baking. I’ve read all the Harry Potter books at least a dozen times, and if you were to challenge me to a Lord of the Rings trivia game, you would almost certainly lose. In middle school, I was the only girl in my class who shot up her hand when the teacher asked who wanted to take the lead in dissecting frogs. I was, and still very much am, that kid.


  • Chocolate Walnut Cupcakes with Blackberry Buttercream

    chocolate walnut blackberry cupcake

    I’ve come to realize that I am a bundle of contradictions.

    chocolate blackberry cupcake (more…)