Tag: review

  • Popolo | London, UK

    Street view of Popolo Restaurant Shoreditch

    With building facades covered in beautiful street art and its residents trying hard to look like they’re not trying hard to look like a Hipster™, Shoreditch is the trendy London borough in the East of the city. It’s full of unique food options, fun bars, and indie shops, making it the most popular place for young people to congregate on weekends.

    When a friend and I wandered through Shoreditch in a search for a cafe to get some work done, we passed by a tiny Italian restaurant that immediately jumped out at us. This may or may not have been due to the “Michelin Guide 2017” sticker plastered on the window. The sticker meant, as we later learned from our friend Google, that Popolo was awarded a Bib Gourmand, the second-tier award under a Michelin star. (more…)

  • Oxford, UK (I’m back!)

    Leili at Oxford

    Hey yolk fam. Been a minute, hasn’t it?

    I’ve decided to ease my way back into regular blogging, because, if you haven’t noticed, I’ve been taking a little break lately. And by lately, I mean most of the past year. But shhh, no one has to know.

    Exeter College Dining Hall

    In late August of last year, I moved to the UK. First I took a month long publishing course at Oxford, and then I went to London for a master’s program.

    I cannot fit all the details of this year of my life on one page of the internet, so this post will be all about Oxford and how I explored its history. Which for me mostly involved eating at some really old cafes and drinking at some really ancient pubs.

    The Kings Arms Oxford UK street view (more…)

  • Area Four | Cambridge, MA

    Area Four Pizza Kendall Square

    There have been quite a few new restaurant openings in Boston lately – Buttermilk & Bourbon and North Square Oyster are just a couple that are on the top of my list to try. But when it comes to regular weekday dinner, I want something that I know will be delicious without sucking my wallet dry.

    So even with all these exciting new places to eat, I find myself returning to the list of places that have already made a home in my tastebuds’ memories.

    Supreme Garlic Knots Area Four

    If you haven’t guessed yet, Area Four near Kendall Square is one of the few that fit that description. (more…)

  • Breakfast in London

    Hello friends!

    I am back from London and ready to share. I have to say, London’s food scene was a pleasant surprise. Maybe it’s because I was expecting meat pies or bangers and mash to be the gastronomic highlight, but I was blown away by the variety and quality of food on every street corner and down every cobblestoned alleyway.

    Because I somehow managed to eat a month’s worth of food in one week, I’ve broken up my trip into several posts. First up: breakfast, my personal favorite meal of the day. Dig in!

    Moreish Cafe Eggs London

    Moreish Cafe was just down the street from my hostel on Tavistock Place near King’s Cross. I walked in expecting to order a pastry from the case I spotted from outside, but was pleasantly surprised to see that they offered full breakfast dishes as well. Their menu has a Spanish flair, and the dish I ordered was simply called “eggs on toast”. Eggs benedict by any other name tastes just as delicious. (more…)

  • Blog News + New York City, Part II

    Hey guys, Leili here. We’ve got big changes happening around here that you ought to know about, so keep on readin’ for a full update!

    I just got back from spending a few days in New York City with some family. The city at this time of year is always the most magical, and gives me all kinds of warm and fuzzies. Our plan was to finish up our Christmas shopping, but unsurprisingly, we were too disorganized to make that happen. (And let’s be real – I’ll just end up running to the mall the day before Christmas like I do every year anyway.)

    Instead of shopping, we mostly focused on filling our stomachs with good food and plenty of hot chocolate.

    Some of the food I had was out-of-this-world-amazing, so I really wanted to share it with you. These are places we didn’t cover in last summer’s New York City post, but they should be on your list for your next visit. (more…)

  • Copenhagen, Denmark


    Hello, friends!

    I’m back in Boston after a week in Copenhagen, where my boyfriend and I ate 24/7 and tried our best not to get hit by bicyclists channeling their ancestral viking spirits.


    I survived, and now I’m going to share my experiences with all of you lovely people. If you’re planning a trip to Denmark in the near future (or even in your daydreams), I hope I can provide you with part of the answer to “where should I eat in Copenhagen?”. And if you’ve never considered Denmark to be a place worthy of your travel time and budget, I hope I can show you just how wonderful it truly is. (more…)

  • Catching Up | October 2016


    Hi friends! We’re back with a recap of what we’re up to and what we’ve been crushing on this month. We do this (almost) every month, so be sure to sign up below to stay in-the-know. We’re huge fans of Fall (I keep saying that, I know), and we’re always finding new things to love about it. So we’re here to share that love with all of you!


    Wei here.

    Goodbye October! I don’t know where the time went or what I did with it. Without delaying any further, let’s catch up on some of my favorites from this month. (more…)

  • Catching Up | August 2016

    Lifeguard House Venice Beach

    Hey friends!

    August has officially ended, and warm summer days are slipping through our fingers. As we gear up for Fall, we thought we’d let you in on the goings on behind Yin and Yolk – what we’ve been up to, what we’re crushing on, and what we’re planning next. We’re doing these posts each month, so if you haven’t yet, be sure to subscribe below so you can stay in the loop!

    Now let’s get to it. (more…)

  • Los Angeles to San Francisco | California

    Route 1

    Hey friends!

    Leili here. I just got back from a mini family vacation to California, traveling from Los Angeles to San Francisco and eating everything in between. And now I get to share all that good stuff with all of you wonderful people.

    View of the Bay

    Not to rub it in, but it was pretty great. I had never been to California before, and I can now safely say that I’m a fan. Aside from the gorgeous weather and the “ooh”-and-“aah”-worthy scenic highways, the Golden State has a very calming air to it. Which explains why its culture appears to be one of perpetual leisure, I suppose. (more…)

  • Two Years of Blogging: What We’ve Learned


    Wei Leili NYCHey friends!

    Today marks two years since this little blog of ours took its first steps into the real world, and we think that’s one hell of a feat (if we do say so ourselves). So today we’ve decided to share what we’ve learned these past two years, and also give you a little insight into our future plans. Because whether you’ve been with us since the beginning or you’re just now stopping by for the first time, you guys are what makes this blog worth writing every week. So, this one’s for you. (And for Harry Potter, wherever he may be now – anyone else excited about Harry Potter and the Cursed Child coming out today? Well, you should be.) (more…)