Tag: super bowl

  • Top 5 Super Bowl Snacks

    sweet savory pita chips

    I marched with my mother and millions of other wonderful, strong women last weekend in Boston. I have never been in such a large and lively crowd in my life.

    The atmosphere was full of positive energy, and plenty of hope that our voices would be heard – and they were. But there is still way more that needs to be done, because now innocent people are also having their lives turned upside down when they’ve done absolutely nothing wrong.

    I’m doing my best to channel my frustration into something useful, but outside of bugging our representatives, protesting, or donating to civil rights organizations, there’s not much else any of us can do but take deep breaths and keep doing our best to spread the love.

    cheesy sun dried tomato pesto monkey pull-apart bread

    When the world is upside down and backwards, it’s important to keep enjoying the little things.

    The Super Bowl is just around the corner, which means beer and outrageous dips will likely abound. These are the little things worth taking pleasure in when there’s not much else to celebrate.  (more…)

  • Homemade Pita Bread & Pita Chips

    pita chips from scratch

    Alright guys. We’re a week away from the Super Bowl.

    buttery cinnamon pita chips

    And I’ll be honest: I’m no football fan. I’ll watch it purely for, um, aesthetic reasons, but most of the time I’d much rather cozy up with a Seinfeld rerun.

    pita bread

    I am, however, a huge snack lover. So if you invite me over for a football game and you promise me beer and some snacks, then I will become a fan of whatever the hell you want. And I will definitely make you some of these bad boys. (more…)

  • Ginger Scallion Wings


    So the REAL winter is here. I was sure the winter vortex was going to bring White Walkers through the streets of Boston at those freezing temperatures. And if you didn’t get that Game of Thrones reference, please do yourselves a favor and go catch up before the new season starts. I won’t judge and you can enjoy binge watching while nibbling on these wings.

    Wings Rack 2Another big event is just coming up – it involves beer, dancing, and touchdowns. See, I don’t follow football or usually watch the Super Bowl, but I do enjoy the food that surrounds this great American holiday. To me, it’s enjoying delicious bar food in the comfort of your own sweatpants. These ginger scallion wings are great for feeding others and yourself.

    RawThe wings are so easy to make and the sauce can be prepped ahead of time. Bonus: It also warms up the entire kitchen to distract you from the bitter wind chills outside. (more…)