I marched with my mother and millions of other wonderful, strong women last weekend in Boston. I have never been in such a large and lively crowd in my life.
The atmosphere was full of positive energy, and plenty of hope that our voices would be heard – and they were. But there is still way more that needs to be done, because now innocent people are also having their lives turned upside down when they’ve done absolutely nothing wrong.
I’m doing my best to channel my frustration into something useful, but outside of bugging our representatives, protesting, or donating to civil rights organizations, there’s not much else any of us can do but take deep breaths and keep doing our best to spread the love.
When the world is upside down and backwards, it’s important to keep enjoying the little things.
The Super Bowl is just around the corner, which means beer and outrageous dips will likely abound. These are the little things worth taking pleasure in when there’s not much else to celebrate. (more…)