Tag: vegan

  • Lady Verona {Maple Cranapple Cosmo}

    cocktail1Get ready, ‘cause we’re boozing it up today.

    Sometimes it’s nice to have a little something sweet to reward yourself with, and although I’m all for turning to a sweet snack, it’s also a good idea to have a few drink recipes in your back pocket for when you want to celebrate life’s little victories…or for the days when it’s easier to face a cocktail than reality. (more…)

  • Green Banana Fruit Smoothie

    smoothie final

    Okay, so I know this smoothie is green, but before you run from the room screaming, just check out all the goodness I’ve put in here for you.

    We’ve got bananas, strawberries, blackberries, blueberries, cherries, pineapple, orange…and maybe just a bit of broccoli and kale.

    Broccoli for fiber (it’s important), and kale because I love you.

    smoothie before (more…)

  • Mushroom and Leek Quinoa

    Final 2

    Happy 2015!

    I’m sure you guys are bombarded with New Year’s resolutions and what not. It’s almost impossible not to feel the pressure from our social media newsfeed. Meanwhile, I’ve been indulging in Netflix marathons. I’m only human.


    To lessen my guilt of binge watching everything, I have made this dish to guide me onto the path of fitness inspiration. This quinoa recipe is made with roasted mushrooms, sautéed leeks with garlic, and toasted almonds – all wonderful ingredients to nourish a new you. The mushrooms taste similar to crispy pork skins after roasting them – a trick I learned from a chef. The garlicky leeks are amazing and I could eat these all day.


    This dish also helps me miss summer less – these are ingredients I’d buy weekly at the farmers’ market. Since the days are slowly getting longer again, consider this post my countdown to springtime.

    This is a delicious way to start the New Year with no compromise on taste. (more…)

  • Fresh Semolina Pasta

    close up bite

    The best advice I’ve ever gotten is something we’ve all heard before:

    Fake it ’til you make it.

    I was a shy little intern at my first bakery job when the Chef there casually threw this tiny phrase at me, and I don’t think he realized how much I would take it to heart. Because of this offhanded advice, I started to fake the necessary confidence and “make it”. I became a real baker there after my internship, and actually felt sure of myself rather than fearful that I would burn the whole place to the ground.

    egg in semolinadough

    The beauty of “fake it ’til you make it” is that it can even be applied ability, particularly when it comes to being in the kitchen.

    And that’s where this pasta comes in.

    dough wrappeddough cut

    sheet1      sheet2

    Before embarking on the mission to make homemade pasta, I assumed the process would be insanely complicated and require the skills and dexterity of a wise Italian nonna.

    What I found was that it’s just a long process, but actually relatively simple. Sure I hit some road bumps along the way, but nothing that I couldn’t overcome with the help of a quick Google search. Even then I still had no clue what I was doing – all I had was the confidence that I could figure it out.

    What I discovered was that the best homemade pasta is made with real semolina, not plain old all-purpose flour. Most of the pasta recipes I saw out there call for all-purpose because it’s easy, but AP flour just isn’t strong enough for pasta, and in my opinion, lacks true pasta flavor. You can find semolina at most health food stores, or online (I got mine from King Arthur Flour). Not to mention there are many other uses for it beyond this pasta.

    I’ll even let you in on a secret: I had to make this pasta at least seven times before I got my recipe right. Even after switching from AP to semolina, I messed up in every possible way, which is great – now I can warn you about all the possible pasta pitfalls.

    Ready? Let’s do this.

    cut pasta (more…)

  • Corn and Black Bean Salad

    Final corn salad2
    It’s been almost two months since my last run. At first I had some good excuses, but now I’ve finally come to accept that I’ve just been lazy (partly in thanks to Wei’s guilt trips – she’s got a knack for them). I could blame it on how busy I am, on how tired I’ve been lately, or on the changing weather. But let’s be real. I know I just need to get out the door before it’s too late and the snow starts piling up. Here in New England, that could be in less than a month…gah!

    Corn salad mise

    So I’m not here to talk to you about apple pie cupcakes or pumpkin bread. I’m not about to tell you how great my homemade caramel sauce is, or how much Fall inspires me to bake up some giant warm cinnamon rolls. Yes, I love the crunch of auburn leaves under my boots, but I won’t bore you with all that today. Y’all are just going to have to wait, because I’m not letting Fall onto my mental doorstep just yet. (more…)

  • Homemade Almond Milk

    Almond Final

    Can we take a moment and all agree that lactose intolerance sucks? I know it can be a blessing in disguise, helping us be healthier and support animal-friendly foods…but sometimes I really just want a pint of Ben and Jerry’s without my stomach pulling an Alien on me. It’s unfair. Especially if you’re like me and your perfect dinner consists of an entire round of cheese. Being the rebel that I am, I still enjoy most lactose-filled foods in moderation, but I could never do it every day. So the one thing I really needed a replacement for was milk in my morning coffee or tea. Because without caffeine I’m a useless lump.


    I tried the Lactaid milks and they were okay, but didn’t always leave me feeling so great despite claiming to be filled with lactase. Soy milk worked for a while, but I got nervous about all the “SOY IS GOING TO GIVE YOU HORMONES AND KILL YOU” talk floating around. Store bought almond milk was my last viable option but its ingredient list made me wary. So I finally decided to take matters into my own hands. Literally.

    Milk Bags
    Squeeze (more…)

  • Lavender Syrup

    Final Tea

    When it’s too late to have a latte in the afternoon I opt for an iced tea. Tea is my comfort drink– my mom always has a hot green tea in her hand. If someone pointed a hot teakettle at me and asked me to choose my favorites, it would be jasmine and Earl Grey.

    As a general rule, I never sweeten my green teas but always take something with my black teas. Again, blame this rule on my mother. This time I’m adding lavender syrup and it is quite good.


    This recipe is incredibly simple and quick to make. Best of all, it can be used in literally everything. Use it in teas or cocktails but don’t limit this delicious syrup to just beverages – you can use it to soak fruit or layer on top of yogurts.

    Mix (more…)